Clicking on the heading "Goods" in the Main Menu opens a Goods Dictonary.
Goods Dictonary
Directory of goods contains information about goods and also reflects the goods balances. One click on the goods row will open the form "Good Item Preview"
Goods Dictonary with open the Options Menu
The Options Menu is opened click "Menu".
- New Good
Creating new goods in the dictonary.
- Goods Categories
Clicking on the "Goods Categories" will open dictonary of oods categories.
- Units of Measure
Clicking on the "Units of Measure" will open dictonary units.
- Filter
- Allows you to select records for a particular feature (word or part of the word, membership in a specific goods category, goods type)
Goods Dictonary with open the Context Menu
Context Menu is opened by clicking with retention string of the goods item.
- Edit
Goods card opens for editing.
- Purchase Parties
Opens a list of purchase parties for this product.
- Inventory History
Opens card with the movement of goods.
- Delete
Allows you to delete the goods from the directory. It should be noted that you can delete only those goods for which there was not movement.