In the System Settings can be accessed by Options Menu in the window Main Menu.
- Company Details
Contains the main (company name, address, phone, etc.) and bank details (bank name, account namber, etc.).
- Document Numeration
Ability to set starting values ??for the number of new documents with automatic numeration.
- Select Theme
Sets the text color, background color and font applications.
- Document View Period
You can set the default value for period viewing documents.
- Number of Days
Indicates the number of days for period in case a Document View Period is set to "Custom".
- Negative Rests Allow
A check can ship the goods in larger quantities than are in balance ("a minus").
- Login
Login Google Account to work with Google Docs.
- Password
Google Account Password.
- Backup Folder
Folder for saving files in Google Docs.
- Application Type
Specifies the type of application that you wish to use.
This article was obtained through a machine translation. We would appreciate any comments.