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All Settings

In the System Settings can be accessed by Options Menu in the window Main Menu.

Company Details
Contains the main (company name, address, phone, etc.) and bank details (bank name, account namber, etc.).
Document Numeration
Ability to set starting values ??for the number of new documents with automatic numeration.
Select Theme
Sets the text color, background color and font applications.
Document View Period
You can set the default value for period viewing documents.
Number of Days
Indicates the number of days for period in case a Document View Period is set to "Custom".
Settings (continue)
Negative Rests Allow
A check can ship the goods in larger quantities than are in balance ("a minus").
Login Google Account to work with Google Docs.
Google Account Password.
Backup Folder
Folder for saving files in Google Docs.
Application Type
Specifies the type of application that you wish to use.
This article was obtained through a machine translation. We would appreciate any comments.
