Good Item Card: basic information
1. Basic information about the goods.
- Goods Category
Category, which includes the product. Change the group you can click on the arrow next to its name. "Add New" button to the right of the group's name allows you to add a new goods category.
- Unit of Measure
The unit of measure for this product. Change the unit of measure you can click on the arrow next to its name. Button "Add New" the right of the unit allows you to add a new unit.
- Good Item Type
This field specifies the type of goods ("Good" or "Service").
- Quantity in Package
Specify quantity of goods in the package (if necessary to allow goods in packages).
- Default Quantity
Number of items by default, which is substituted in the formation invoices.
Good Item Card: Prices and Barcodes
2.Reference price. Used in invoices when choosing prices. Also, reference prices are visible in the list when choosing a retail price of the goods.
3. Barcode products. Since the product can be encoded and the manufacturer and us (using the internal accounting of goods in the program), then a single product can be assigned multiple values. You can enter them by pressing the "Add New" or barcode scanner.